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Searching PET series

The user can filter the list of series that are presented in the series table. The following pieces of information can be used to filter the information.

  1. Patient name: Enter a string to search the patient name field. Wildcards ``*'' are allowed. Search is case sensitive. For example, to list only the series that contain ``pt'' in the patient name, enter ``*pt*'' in the patient name filter text box. Having the box blank is the loosest criteria and will result in the most series being returned.

    The filter will be applied when hitting carriage return while the focus is still on the ``Patient name'' filter entry box or by clicking the ``Refresh'' button.

  2. DICOM files: Select whether the series being displayed have DICOM files. Possible options are
    1. (with DICOM) only show series that have DICOM files,
    2. (without DICOM) only show series that do not have DICOM files,
    3. (either) The presence of DICOM files will not be considered in the selection criteria. Use this setting to not filter the results based on whether DICOM files exist for the series.

  3. System serial number: When a specific system serial number has been selected, only datasets that were collected on that serial number will be display. To not filter the series based on the system serial number, select ``all.''

  4. Listmode files: The presence of listmode files on disk can be considered when selecting series.
    1. (with listmode) only show series that have listmode files on disk,
    2. (without listmode) only show series that do not have listmode files on disk,
    3. (either) The presence of listmode files will not be considered in the selection criteria. Use this setting to not filter the results based on whether listmode files exist for the series.

The data in the series table can be resorted by clicking on the header of a column. Clicking on the same header a second time will resort the series in the opposite direction based on the information in that column.

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