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Archiving DICOM files

DICOM files can be archived to a location of the user's choice. This location can be either a USB drive or a directory on the host computer. DICOM files are archived by highlighting the all of the series to be archived in the search results window, clicking on the Archive DICOM button, selecting a destination for the files to be archived, and clicking the save button.

The DICOM files will be saved in the
$<$specified area$>$/patientDir/studyDir/seriesDir/DICOM, where the patientDir, studyDir, and seriesDir are the data directories at the patient level, study level, and series level respectively. Inside the DICOM directory there will be two subdirectories, one for AC images and one for non AC images. The name of the AC image subdirectory will be the same as the series directory.

If either an AC or a non AC reconstruction job was run, both subdirectories will be created. The DICOM files will only be present for the mode(s) that were run.
