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Adding a new normalization fileset

A normalization fileset can be added to the database by either running a normalization job or by importing an existing normalization fileset that is present on the host computer.

To import an existing normalization fileset:

  1. Go to the Normalization tab.
  2. Click on the ``add dataset'' button above the Normalization filesets table. This will open up the Normalization fileset dialog.
  3. Select a fileset directory.
  4. Select a voxel size. Only voxel sizes that are available in the fileset directory selected will appear in the pull-down menu.
  5. Click on the ``Add fileset'' button.
Note that only one normalization fileset with a given set of cuts, voxel size, and software version can be in the database. If a normalization fileset is added a second time, an error message window will open and the fileset will not be added.
