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Various settings for processing a dataset can be modified on the Recon tab.
A series can be loaded onto the Recon tab by selecting it in the Patient browser
and clicking the ``Send series to recon'' button.
A job can only be added to the batch queue from the Recon tab.
The following controls are available on the Recon tab.
- Recon type: The type of reconstruction or processing to be done on this series. Available options
are mlem, fbp, osem, norm, and none.
- ``norm'' is used when processing a normalization dataset
and will produce a normalization fileset as an output. Selecting norm will disable a number
of settings that are either irrelevant for a normalization job or have to be set
to a particular value for a normalization job.
- Voxel size (mm): The voxel size of the final image. Available options are 1.0x1.0x1.2 mm
2.0x2.0x2.3 mm
, 4.0x4.0x4.7 mm
- Patient directory: This is the patient directory of the dataset to be processed. This field
cannot be changed from the Recon tab.
- Study directory: This is the study directory of the dataset to be processed. This field
cannot be changed from the Recon tab.
- Series directory: This is the series directory of the dataset to be processed. This field
cannot be changed from the Recon tab.
- Series type: The series type can be either static (1 temporal frame) or dynamic (more than one
temporal frame). If dynamic is chosen, use the frames editor to verify/modify the frames definitions
that will be used.
- Series Description: A user field for comments. The contents of this field are written to the
DICOM file.
- Normalization: The normalization fileset to be used for the current processing job. A normalization
must exist for mlem, osem, and fbp jobs. The ``add job to queue'' button will
be disabled unless a normalization fileset exists for the current dataset and settings.
A normalization should not exist for a normalization job.
- Check settings button: This button can be used to check the settings and see if a normalization
exists for the current dataset and settings.
- Add job to queue button: Clicking this button will cause the job with the current
settings on the Recon tab to be added to the batch system.
- Interfilter: This is a filter used during the update step in iterative reconstruction MLEM and
OSEM. It is disabled for FPB, normalization, and none. Possible options are none and gaussian.
Selecting none is turning the interfilter off. Selecting gaussian also requires the user
to specify the FWHM of the gaussian used.
- Res recovery: This is for resolution recovery using a point spread function
and only applies to iterative reconstruction MLEM and
OSEM. It is disabled for FPB, normalization, and none. Possible options are none and gaussian.
Selecting none turns resolution recovery off. Selecting gaussian also requires the user
to specify the FWHM of the gaussian used.
- Postfilter: This is a smoothing filter used after a reconstruction
has been performed.
It is enabled for MLEM, OSEM, and FPB. Possible options are none and gaussian.
Selecting none turns the filter off. Selecting gaussian also requires the user
to specify the FWHM of the gaussian used.
- FBP filter: The available filters for an FBP reconstruction. Options are: Ram-Lak,
Shepp-Logan, Hamming, cosine, and Hann.
- cutoff freq: The frequency cutoff used for FBP.
- Recon iterations: The number of iterations to be used for an iterative reconstruction.
This option is only available for MLEM and OSEM recon types.
When the recon type is
changed to mlem, the recon iterations will be set to the default number of iterations
for MLEM. The factory default is 100 and can be changed by editting the gui.conf file.
When the recon type is
changed to osem, the recon iterations will be set to the default number of iterations
for OSEM. The factory default is 8 and can be changed by editting the gui.conf file.
- Frames editor button: Clicking this button will launch an editor to modify or load the frames
file to be used for a dynamic reconstruction.
- Attenuation corr: Attenuation correction setting. Available options are
- ac only: Produce images with attenuation correction applied.
- non ac only: Produce images with no attenuation correction applied.
- both: Two sets of images will be produced. One with attenuation correction applied, and one without
attenuation correction.
- Decay corr: This box allows the user to enable or disable the decay correction.
Note: The settings for a series are reloaded whenever the Recon tab is selected. If changes to the settings
are made, and then the user goes to the Normalization tab and then back to the Recon tab, the changes
will be lost. The change in the settings only affects what is on the Recon tab and does not affect any jobs
in the batch queue.
Next: Batch system tab
Up: NeuroPET/CT Offline GUI User
Previous: Deleting data